There is a Starline Bus service in different district cities from Dhaka. Starline Bus Service Bangladesh is a popular AC and non-AC bus service.

All information related to Starline buses, please note, their contact number, counter location, area based countdown location, all updated information will be available. Moreover some counters stop their services from time to time; You can let us know your complaints and all the problems of Starline bus.

No need to worry if you don’t have time to go to the Starline bus counter, we are booking all types of bus tickets immediately or in advance. Book tickets by calling their customer care.

Starline bus schedule and ticket price

Non-AC Bus Service

Road MapTimePrice
Feni to DhakaThe bus starts at 5.00 am. Service is available every 10 min260 Taka
Feni to ChittagongThe bus starts at 5.00 am. Service is available every 10 min130 Taka
Feni to Cox’s BazaarEvening 7.00 pm, night 10.00 pm, 11.00 pm, 11.45 pm350 Taka
Dhaka to FeniThe bus starts at 5.00 am. Service is available every 10 min260 Taka
Porshuram to DhakaThe bus starts every morning. The whole day is covered by 4 buses270 Taka
Chagolnaiya to DhakaEveryday morning the bus start. Service is available every 1hour270 Taka
Sonagaji to DhakaEvery morning the bus start In the whole day 4 buses go to Dhaka270 Taka

AC Bus Service

Road MapTimePrice
Feni to DhakaThe bus started at 6.40am. Service is available Every 1 hour300 Taka
Dhaka to FeniThe bus started at 6.40am. Service is available Every 1 hour300 Taka

Special Airport Service (night coach

Road MapTimePrice
Feni to AirportStart at night 9.30pm, 10.30pm, 11.15pm, 11.30pm280 Taka

Counter Address and Contact Number


Counter AddressContact Number
Chakaria BUS TARMINAL Office01973-259534
Sea Hill Office01973-259678
Sugandha Office01973-259687
Central Bus Terminal Office01973-259673
Zia Guest House Office 01973-25967
Puraton jhinuk Market Office01973-259671


Counter AddressContact Number
Muhuriganj office01973-259648
Kasba Office01973-259611
Lal Poll Office01973-259645
Mahipal 2 office01973-259644
Chouddagram office01973-259612
Amjad’s market office01973-259537
Cheyora Office 01973-259642
gangra rastar matha 01973-259569
Padua Office01973-259641
Fatehpur Pump Office01973-259641
Office of the Mahipal 4 01973-259640
Mahipal 3 office 01973-259540
Barrier Hat Office 01973-259614
Dak Bungalow Office 01973-259558
Sonagazi office01973-259940
Salahuddin Moor Office01973-259539
Hospital Moor Office01973-259639
Fulgazi Office01973-259637
Chagalnaya office 01973-259610
Feni Terminal Office 01973-259628


Counter AddressContact Number
Bhatiary office01973-259684
AK Khan Office 01973-259635
Alangkar office 01973-259685
Barpole office01973-259681


Counter AddressContact Number
Kachpur counter manager Rafiqul Islam & Ali Hossain 01687-480569
Chittagong Road Office 01973-259606
Sayedabad-6 office01973-259653
Sayedabad-3 office 01973-259693
Maniknagar office 01973-259652
TT Para office01973-259651
Magda office01973-259503
TT Para office01973-259651
Magda office01973-259503
Fakirapul office01973-259525
Arambagh Office01973-259524
Mirpur 1 office 01973-259507
Mirpur 10 offices01973-259506
Kacukhet Office 01973-259505
Banasree office 01973-259548
Badda office01973-259516
NORDA OFFICE 01973-259511
Airport office 01973-259512
Uttara office 01973-259513
Abdullahpur office01973-259514
Cherag Ali Office 01973-259542

Important Notes for the Passengers

  • Passengers must arrive at the bus counter 20 minutes before departure time.
  • A handbag or small purse is not permitted; each passenger may bring a baggage of no more than 10 kg.
  • For every five pounds over the maximum weight, you will be charged an extra charge.
  • Passengers are not permitted to transport prohibited items, and the bus company is not liable for any problems that may arise.
  • The buses are smoke-free.
  • Passengers must not smoke on board of the buses.

Note: Provide information on all types of bus travel. You may quickly pique your curiosity with this site.

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