All information regarding Manik Express Bus, please note, their contact number, counter location, area based calculation location, all updated information will be available. There is a Manik Express in different district cities from Dhaka. They have many buses they travel from one end of the country to the other. People regularly use Manik Express transport bus in Beacon There’s very good service. Manik Express Bus Service Bangladesh is a popular bus service. They have counters in different districts of the country.This is why it is so easy to collect their tickets. Their drivers and supervisors are all trained, The passenger service is very good. For this you can travel in safe transport. There are some practical issues such as change of location, number of changes and temporary interruptions to the service head. Moreover some counters stop their service from time to time.
Table of Contents
Manik Express Online Ticket Booking
If you do not have time to go to the counter then there is no reason to worry we provide our services online. If you wish, you can book all bus tickets through our online service. Call Counter to book a ticket.
Address | Contact Number |
Burimari | 01938-245029 |
Lalmonirhat | 01938-245033/ 01938-245034 |
SAKPALA MORE | 01712-803423 |
Satmatha | 01978-245040, 01978-245041 |
Thanthania busstand | 01978-245042 |
Address | Contact Number |
Kalyanpur | 01993-339825 |
Dhaka Nandurbag | 01938-245035/01938-245036 |
Razjab Ali Market, Gabtali | 01993-339726 |
Mohakhali, Dhaka | 01957165978, |
Some instruction
- Dont Run on the Bus
- Never get on a bus without a ticket
- If there any problem in side the bus immediately inform police
- DONT Eat if strangers give you some thing
- Take care of your luggage and wallet
- Before getting off Bus, Make sure everything is ok
- When eating on the bus, do not eat anything from strangers
Know More Bus Services
Important Notes for the Passengers
- Passengers must arrive at the bus counter 20 minutes before departure time.
- A handbag or small purse is not permitted; each passenger may bring a baggage of no more than 10 kg.
- For every five pounds over the maximum weight, you will be charged an extra charge.
- Passengers are not permitted to transport prohibited items, and the bus company is not liable for any problems that may arise.
- The buses are smoke-free.
- Passengers must not smoke on board of the buses.
Note: Provide information on all types of bus travel. You may quickly pique your curiosity with this site.