Alhamra Paribahan is one of the most popular transport in Bangladesh.The quality of their service is very good.All the drivers of Alhamra Paribahan Transport are experienced.And for this reason Alhamra Paribahan transport service is very good.They have counters in different parts of the country which is why they do not have to suffer to collect tickets.We always try to give you the right information.If for any reason you have a problem to know the address of the transport, you can contact us.We will always try to give you updated information.You will find all the numbers and addresses of Alhamra Transport on this site.


AdressCounter number
Muktijodhdha tower, College gate, Mohammadpur, Dhaka01721802033
Near Kutum Hotel , Mirpur, Dhaka01721-802032
Gabtoli , Mirpur, Dhaka02-9005612, 01721-802031


AdressCounter number
DB Road, Ghibandha Sadar0541-61326, 01711-165605
Palashbari, Ghibandha01718-945013
JAHAJ Co., GL Roy Road, Rangpur0644-5200956
Kamar Para, Rangpur Sadar, Rangpur01725-935075


AdressCounter number
Bypass, Malik Samiti Counter, Pabna Sadar01799-555682
Kashinathpur, BERA, Pabna01783-447266
Santhia, Pabna01713-729160
Pabna Counter, Pabna Sadar01799-555681
BERA, Pabna01732-375122, 01714-931032, 01721-384846


AdressCounter number
Ullapara, Sirajganj01711302355
Shahjadpur, Sirajganj01719734859

Some instruction

  • Dont Run on the Bus.
  • Never get on a bus without a ticket.
  • If there any problem in side the bus immediately inform police.
  • DONT Eat if strangers give you some thing.
  • Take care of your luggage and wallet.
  • Before getting off Bus, Make sure everything is ok.
  • When eating on the bus, do not eat anything from strangers.

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